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Our Story

My journey into the health and beauty industry started 25+ years ago when I wrote my first comprehensive research paper on the effects and risks of personal care products on the body and its neurology, as well as global trends and product standards for natural and organic in different countries. 


What I was really trying to solve was my own issues with my skin. I could count on one hand the amount of pimples that I had as a teenager, but what I did get was quarter sized welts deep in my skin. They were incredibly sore, pinkish, hard or swishy and lasted a week or more before they would disappear and a few days later another would appear. The cycle continued. 


I was desperate to find a solution. I read and researched anything that I could find and even topics that at the time weren’t tied together like the effects of gut health on the skin. I tried so many products. Traditional, popularly advertised, prescription, and natural. You name it, I tried it. 


I even tried a very popular promising acne line that ended up bleaching my favorite navy blue house coat! If that happened to my clothes, I can't imagine that it would be good for my skin! So on the search continued. 


Maybe years later, as large companies created more skin products, the amounts of scents, fragrances, and perfumes started to intensify as if it’s a competition! Everything smells SO strongly these days! 


The impact of scented home and personal care products has been a concern for our family for many years. We are extremely sensitive to scents and fragrances, and even a small amount can cause significant health issues. Our homes have a strict fragrance-free policy, especially during holidays or gatherings. We inform our guests in advance that they cannot enter our homes if they have used scented products. Eventually, these scents started landing our family members in the emergency room for days on end with full medical attention. 


As we started to look around we found many others with this same challenge. Others, people started confessing that this was also a challenge and a painstaking process in their homes as well. With all the years of research and investigation, and the challenge of unscented, hearing other's struggle as well, and with scarce or non-existent product options available in the marketplace, Be Free Botanicals was born.


For us it's not just about finding effective and natural products – they must also be completely unscented and fragrance-free. This isn't just a preference; it's a necessity for health and well-being.  


Be Free Botanicals is focused on providing what we think is the best we can offer that meets our high standards of quality, clean, natural and virtually unscented products. We have worked tirelessly to develop our lines of product that reflect our commitment to healthy living. We are committed to using and promoting fragrance-free products, not just as a business, but more importantly as a way to improve the health and happiness of our families and others. 


We hope that you can leverage all the knowledge and learnings that we have gathered over the decades to catapult you and your families in an effective and healthy direction. 

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